Routine Dental Exam

Dental Implant; One tooth, makes a difference

Although dental implants last for life, you need successful implants with careful and periodic care to maintain them.


Dental implants is a surgical procedure in which a missing or badly damaged tooth is replaced with an artificial tooth. So this technique relies on fixing the roots of the new tooth in the jawbone with metal support that looks like a screw, and finally a new tooth crown is placed over it.

Dental implants include two types: permanent teeth and removable teeth to choose what you want. 

This Dental treatment is a successful operation and last a lifetime if you take care of your teeth.  Dental implants in Turkey may take weeks or months, but at Lamina Smile Clinic, we can implant the tooth in a shorter time and at a lower cost.


Dental implants at Lamina Smile include a set of steps under pro dentists in maxillofacial surgery through the following

1. Consultations

Because dental implants are a very important process in the field of dental health, a comprehensive evaluation must be conducted by the dentist before preparing for the surgery, so he needs to know a lot of medical information about you.

2. Check Up

You have to perform a set of medical examinations as a first stage of dental implants because it is a surgical operation that requires local anesthesia. Such as a dental x-ray examination, the condition of the jaw bone and the remaining teeth.

3. Treatments

Dental implants include many treatments if you have one or more missing teeth, incomplete jaw bone growth, you cannot put dentures, and also to improve pronunciation and speech.

4. Recovery

If you did the surgery in one or several sessions, there are a number of things that must be taken into account after that to ensure successful dental implants. So, stick to the dentist's instructions.

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Monday - Friday 10AM - 7PM
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A better day starts with a better smile.

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