Frequently Ask Questions

Of course, Turkey ranks third in the world in terms of medical tourism services: millions of patients annually visit it.

Dental implants is a process through which missing teeth are replaced with artificial ones, by putting an implant inside the jawbone that looks like a screw, and covered with a porcelain crown.

This question cannot be answered accurately, but it can be said that the cost of dental implants in Turkey is lower than other countries and with the same quality. Also, the costs of dental implants in Turkey include all pre-surgery procedures such as x-rays, crown prices, etc., unlike other countries.

Dental implant surgery is completely done under the influence of local anesthesia in the required area. So this surgery is not supposed to be painful

This is due to the quality of the treatment provided to you. It is also due to the healthy habits that you follow. In general, the effect of teeth whitening can last from 6 months to 3 years

Veneers and zirconia crowns are the most popular types of Hollywood smile, they are materials used to obtain a perfect smile.

The common use of veneers is cosmetic to change the appearance of teeth. As for zircon, it is used to treat damaged and badly damaged teeth.

This depends on the goal of a Hollywood smile. If you want to beautify your teeth, choose veneers. But if you want a therapeutic procedure, zirconia dental is better.

Zirconia dental crowns is one of the most accepted therapeutic procedures in the body. Therefore, it is healthy and will not cause sensitivity to gums and teeth over time.

There are two types of teeth whitening, which are the most common

Laser-assisted whitening

and gel whitening

Caring for all your family’s for more attractive smile

We seek to paint your distinctive smile through our dental care services.


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